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This is a list of OPERS Board of Trustees Meeting Dates, Agendas and Minutes for 2023. Please note that members are welcome to attend OPERS Board meetings.

Agendas & Notices

Please note that the monthly board agenda should be posted by the end of business the Friday prior to the scheduled meeting date. Some of the meeting materials will be posted after the board meeting.  Posted materials are usually in draft form being submitted for the board's consideration and are not final versions until formally acted upon by the board as reflected in the approved board minutes. 

Meeting minutes for the current month are not posted until they are approved during the next month's meeting.

Start time for Tuesday meeting varies depending on deferred compensation schedule.

Start time for Wednesday meeting is 9 a.m. unless otherwise noted.

2023 Board Meeting Dates
Meeting Minutes
January 17-18
February 14-15
March 14-15
April - No Meeting
May 16-17
June - No Meeting
July 18-19 (offsite)
August 15-16
September 19-20
October 17-18
November 14-15
December - No Meeting