Educational Opportunities Educational resources for OPERS retirees

In-Person Events

OPERS seminars are in-person events led by trained OPERS professionals. They take place at various locations in Ohio.

Registration is required, and the address of the venue will be sent to you after you register.

Seminar: Retirement Security with OPERS Leadership

This spring OPERS leaders will travel to Ohio cities to provide an overview of your retirement system. You’ll hear the latest on OPERS’ investment returns, understand the current state of pension and health care funding and receive an update on any legislation that could affect the retirement system. OPERS leaders will also share some helpful information regarding HRA reimbursements, the best ways to contact OPERS and the continuous effort to protect your personal information online.

This is your opportunity to hear the most current, accurate information directly from your retirement system. You’ll leave reminded that at OPERS, your retirement security is our top priority.

Seminars are scheduled in the following cities. If a morning session fills up at a particular location, we have the option to add an afternoon session.

Date Time Location
Mar. 24 2:00 p.m. Dublin
Mar. 26 2:00 p.m. Beavercreek
Mar. 31 10:00 a.m. Perrysburg
Apr. 2 10:00 a.m. Athens
Apr. 7 10:00 a.m. Sharonville
Apr. 9 10:00 a.m. Independence
Apr. 14 10:00 a.m. Boardman
Apr. 16 2:00 p.m. Columbus
Apr. 21 10:00 a.m. Findlay
Apr. 23 10:00 a.m. Mentor
Sign Up Now

Seminar: Understanding Your OPERS HRA

Eligible retirees receive a monthly deposit into their Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA). This opportunity is intended to help Pre-Medicare and Medicare retirees feel more comfortable using their HRA. If you struggle with understanding what an HRA is or how to receive reimbursements, come join us!

  1. Presentation – You will hear a review of HRA concepts to increase your understanding of the HRA. Topics in the presentation include:
    • HRA basics
    • What type of expenses are eligible for reimbursement
    • How to submit an expense for reimbursement
    • How a friend or family member can help
    • Common questions and troubleshooting tips
  2. Workshop – This is a hands-on group workshop in which you will walk through the step-by-step process to download the Via Benefits mobile app, create an online Via Benefits account, and learn how to submit an expense!

IMPORTANT: To get the most out of the workshop, be sure to bring your smart phone and/or your laptop computer.

Date Time Location
No in-person seminars scheduled at this time.

Seminar: Pre-Medicare Retirees – Aging Into Medicare

Are you confused about Medicare? There are a lot of moving parts, and as your trusted partner, OPERS would like to help you understand your options!

This interactive seminar is intended for Retirees who will turn age 65 in the next 15 months.

Topics include:

  • The different parts of Medicare – Parts A, B, C, D
  • How Medicare coordinates with individual Medicare plans
  • How Medicare works and the difference between Medicare Advantage and Medigap / Medicare Supplement plans
  • When to enroll in Medicare and how Via Benefits will help you with the enrollment process
  • What OPERS and Via Benefits communications are coming your way
  • The Medicare Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) – a monthly deposit that will offset your medical expenses
  • What resources are available to assist you

Several OPERS staff will be on-hand to make sure that all of your questions are answered!

If you qualified for early Medicare prior to age 65, please contact OPERS at 1-800-222-7377.

Date Time Location
No in-person seminars scheduled at this time.

You can register for OPERS seminars in two different ways:

Online Account

You can register online with your Online Account. Once logged in click on “Tools and Resources” and then on “Seminars and Counseling” to select a seminar.


You can also register for a seminar by calling OPERS at 1-800-222-7377

Live Webinars

Webinar: Understanding Your HRA

Is a webinar more convenient for you?

OPERS also offers Understanding Your OPERS HRA as a webinar. The information provided is similar to the in-person seminar without the workshop component.

Webinar: Pre-Medicare Retirees: Aging Into Medicare

Are you confused about Medicare? There are a lot of moving parts, and as your trusted partner, OPERS would like to help you understand your options!

This interactive webinar is intended for Retirees who will turn age 65 in the next 15 months.

Topics include:

If you qualified for early Medicare prior to age 65, please contact OPERS at 1-800-222-7377.

Recorded Presentations

Pre-Medicare Retirees