Member-Directed Plan Your Investment Options

One of the most important features of the Member-Directed Plan is the flexibility you have to make investment decisions suitable for your individual needs.

Since you are directing your investments and accepting the risk, be prepared to take an active role.

This means carefully considering all your investment options, developing an investment strategy and maintaining your account. You are also responsible for monitoring the performance of your account.

Your Investment Options

You can choose from 9 target date funds (TDFs), five passively managed standalone funds, five actively managed standalone funds, a Self-Directed Brokerage Account, or any combination of these options.


In the Member-Directed plan you get to choose how to invest your account. Some members may invest everything into one or more target date funds, whereas other members may choose to allocate their investments across several standalone funds. If you select the Member-Directed Plan, your investments will default to the TDF closest to your 65th birthday. You may change your investment options if you choose.

Target Date Funds

OPERS offers 9 passively managed target date funds at a lower cost than actively managed funds. They are a one-stop investment option for your long-term retirement planning.

OPERS will be adding the BlackRock LifePath 2070 Fund as an additional investment for members in March 2025. A link to the tear sheet with more information including a full description, asset allocation, where it fits in the glidepath, and fees will be available by the end of January.

Passively Managed Standalone Funds

OPERS offers five Standalone funds ranging from lower-risk, income-oriented options to higher-risk, growth-oriented options.

Actively Managed Standalone Funds

In addition to the Stable Value Trust, OPERS will begin offering four more actively managed funds ranging from lower-risk, income-oriented options to higher-risk, growth-oriented options.

Returns For All Investment Options

Self-Directed Brokerage Account

Members in the Member-Directed Plan with an established account have the option to choose a Self-Directed Brokerage Account, through Charles Schwab's Personal Choice Retirement Account®. This account provides members with the ability to choose mutual funds and unlevered, long-only Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) outside of the core OPERS investment options.

In order to participate in the OPERS Self-Directed Brokerage Account, the following requirements must be met:

Enroll in the OPERS Self-Directed Brokerage Account

If your account meets the criteria above, you’re eligible to enroll in the Charles Schwab PCRA.

Learn how to enroll

More information on the OPERS Self-Directed Brokerage Account

To learn more visit the Education Resources page or the Investments page.

Your account value in the Member-Directed Plan or the defined contribution portion of your Combined Plan is not a guaranteed amount. It is dependent on the performance of the investment options you select.