OPERS Investments Defined Contribution Fund

Members contributing to the Combined and Member-Directed plans direct their own investments by choosing from a number of the Defined Contribution Fund Investment Options.

Members choose from the following options.

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BlackRock LifePath Target Date Funds

Target Date Funds, also known as a lifecycle funds, are designed to be a single diversified investment option for members to use throughout their working careers.

It's automatically rebalanced so members don't have to adjust their asset allocation. Each fund's asset allocation will become more conservative as the member's retirement date approaches.

Note that you are permitted to choose a Target Date Fund or a number of Target Date Funds. The specific Target Date Fund you choose is based on your individual needs and expectations about your retirement. OPERS does not make any determinations about which Target Date Fund(s) may be the right investment option for you.

BlackRock LifePath Index Retirement Fund

Fund Profile

The Retirement Fund is for members who have reached retirement and have begun taking distributions from their account. The Retirement Fund aims at minimizing your account's exposure to fluctuation of returns, including negative returns, especially over short time periods. Its asset allocation is the most conservative of all the Target Date Funds.

BlackRock LifePath Index 2030 Fund

Fund Profile

The 2030 Fund provides a diversified investment option appropriate for a member who has a longer investment period (retiring between 2028 and 2032) and is comfortable with fluctuations in their account value.

BlackRock LifePath Index 2035 Fund

Fund Profile

The 2035 Fund provides a diversified investment option appropriate for a member who has a longer investment period (retiring between 2033 and 2037) and is comfortable with fluctuations in their account value.

BlackRock LifePath Index 2040 Fund

Fund Profile

The 2040 Fund provides a diversified investment option appropriate for a member who has a longer investment period (retiring between 2038 and 2042) and is comfortable with fluctuations in their account value.

BlackRock LifePath Index 2045 Fund

Fund Profile

The 2045 Fund provides a diversified investment option appropriate for a member who has a longer investment period (retiring between 2043 and 2047) and is comfortable with fluctuations in their account value.

BlackRock LifePath Index 2050 Fund

Fund Profile

The 2050 Fund provides a diversified investment option appropriate for a member who has a longer investment period (retiring between 2048 and 2052) and is comfortable with fluctuations in their account value.

BlackRock LifePath Index 2055 Fund

Fund Profile

The 2055 Fund provides a diversified investment option appropriate for an investor who has a longer investment period (retiring between 2053 and 2057) and is comfortable with fluctuations in their account value.

BlackRock LifePath Index 2060 Fund

Fund Profile

The 2060 Fund provides a diversified investment option appropriate for an investor who has a longer investment period (retiring between 2058 and 2062) and is comfortable with fluctuations in their account value.

BlackRock LifePath Index 2065 Fund

Fund Profile

The 2065 Fund provides a diversified investment option appropriate for an investor who has a longer investment period (retiring between 2063 and 2067) and is comfortable with fluctuations in their account value.

BlackRock LifePath Index 2070 Fund

Fund Profile

The 2070 Fund provides a diversified investment option appropriate for an investor who has a longer investment period (retiring between 2068 and 2072) and is comfortable with fluctuations in their account value.

Passive Standalone Funds

The Passive Standalone Funds are available to members who want greater control over the asset allocation of their individual account with investment options at a lower cost compared to actively managed standalone funds

Members can choose from five passively managed strategies ranging from U.S. and international equities to fixed income assets.

BlackRock US Debt Index Fund

Fund Profile

The BlackRock US Debt Index Fund invests in bonds issued by governments and corporations with intermediate-term maturities.

This fund is managed with a passive investment strategy that seeks to match the performance of the Bloomberg Barclays US Aggregate Bond Index.

BlackRock Russell 1000 Index Fund

Fund Profile

BlackRock Russell 1000 Index Fund invests in the common stock of the 1,000 largest companies in the U.S.

This fund is managed with a passive strategy that seeks to match the performance of the Russell 1000 Index.

BlackRock Russell 2000 Index Fund

Fund Profile

BlackRock Russell 2000 Index Fund invests in the common stock of smaller companies in the U.S.

The fund is managed with a passive strategy that seeks to match the performance of the Russell 2000 Index.

BlackRock Russell 3000 Index Fund

Fund Profile

The Stock Index Fund invests in the common stock of the 3,000 largest capitalized companies in the U.S.

This fund is managed with a passive investment strategy that seeks to match the performance of the Russell 3000 Index.

BlackRock MSCI ACWI ex-US Index Fund

Fund Profile

BlackRock MSCI ACWI ex-US Index Fund invests in the common stock of larger companies outside the U.S. Both non-U.S. developed and emerging market stocks are selected.

The fund is managed with a passive strategy that seeks to match the performance of the MSCI All Country World ex U.S. Index

Active Standalone Funds

The actively managed Standalone Funds will be available later this year to members who want relatively more control over the specific asset allocation of their individual account and at the same time seek to outperform the benchmark for the chosen fund. Members who select these funds must be able to accept the additional risk that the manager may underperform the stated benchmark for the chosen fund and the higher fees associated with active management compared to passively managed funds. Members can choose from five actively managed strategies. The strategies range from U.S. and international equities to fixed income assets.

Invesco Stable Value Trust

Fund Profile

The Invesco Stable Value Trust is a diversified fixed income product constructed with the goal of preservation of the member's initial investment, or principal, and interest earned.

The fund is managed with an active investment strategy and invests in a combination of short to intermediate-term, fixed income securities and investment contracts from banks and insurance companies. It is managed with an average term to maturity of between one to four years.

Members who seek safety of principal, as well as a competitive rate of return compared to money market funds, may invest in this option.

JP Morgan Core Bond Fund

Fund Profile

Invests primarily in a diversified portfolio of intermediate term, high-quality bonds leveraging a team of dedicated credit analysts to employ a value-driven security selection process, with an emphasis on risk management.

This fund is managed with an active investment strategy that seeks to beat the performance of the Bloomberg Barclays US Aggregate Bond Index with an annual management fee of 0.34%.

Fisher US Total Return Fund

Fund Profile

A fundamental strategy developed to outperform the S&P 500 Index in a variety of market environments, Fisher uses a top-down investment approach where they evaluate the macroeconomic investment environment first and invest in companies they believe are poised to perform well in that environment.

The fund is managed with an active strategy that seeks to beat the performance of the S&P 500 Index, with an annual management fee of 0.45%.

T. Rowe Price Integrated US Small-Mid Cap Fund

Fund Profile

The T. Rowe Price Integrated US Small-Mid Cap Fund is a broadly diversified fund seeking long-term growth of capital primarily investing in small- and mid-cap U.S. companies. The integrated approach to investing combines fundamental analysis and quantitative models to help shape the for security selection, portfolio construction, and risk management process.

The fund is managed with an active strategy that seeks to beat the performance of the Russell 2500 Index with an annual management fee of 0.68%.

Lazard ACW Ex-US Equity Advantage

Fund Profile

Lazard ACW ex-US Equity Advantage seeks to outperform the MSCI ACWI ex-US Index. The portfolio seeks consistency throughout market cycles and relies on a core, bottom-up stock selection approach while avoiding unwanted top-down or macro exposures to achieve this objective. The investment universe consists of approximately 6,000 developed and emerging-market stocks using an active, quantitatively based investment process that evaluates each company's growth potential, valuation, market sentiment and financial quality on a daily basis relative to global peers. Portfolio risks are managed independently by maintaining exposures that are similar to the benchmark including region, industry, country, capitalization and beta.

The fund is managed with an active strategy that seeks to beat the performance of the MSCI All Country World ex U.S. Index, with an annual management fee of 0.35%.

Self-Directed Brokerage Account

Members in the Combined and Member-Directed plans who desire additional investment alternatives, and are willing to accept the risks and costs related to such alternatives, can also choose a Self-Directed Brokerage Account (SDBA), through Charles Schwab's Personal Choice Retirement Account® (PCRA).

This account allows members the ability to access thousands of mutual funds and long-only, unlevered, diversified Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) outside of the current OPERS investment options.

Members must have a minimum account balance of $5,000 to be eligible to elect this option and may invest no more than 90% of their account balance.

OPERS does not select, manage or oversee the mutual funds and ETFs offered through the Schwab PCRA nor their performance for member accounts.

Enroll in the Self-Directed Brokerage Account

For information on account requirements and how to enroll in the self-directed brokerage account, visit the managing your investment account for your retirement plan: